Southeastern (SEIAF)


The Southeastern Intergovernmental Audit Forum (SEIAF) serves Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

The SEIAF is the oldest of the audit forums and grew out of the need for government audit executives, in federal, state and local government to network with others in the audit community.

Meetings are held once a year and sponsored by the state or principal auditor in their location. They provide resources in terms of staff support, speakers, logistics, and marketing. The Executive Director plays more of a support role to the Forum’s Executive Committee. In addition to a technical program of presentations, the SEIAF has extended its regular agenda and provided audit related training.

SEIAF Executive Committee


Vice Chair

Chair, Federal Committee

Assistant Director for Field Operations, Atlanta Field Office
U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)
404) 679-1989

Chair, State Committee

Co-Chairs, State Committee
Deputy Director
Financial Audit Division
Department of Audits and Accounts
State of Georgia

State Division Director
Department of Examiners of Public Accounts
State of Alabama

Chair, Local Committee
Director, Division of Local Government Audit
Comptroller of The Treasury
State of Tennessee
(615) 401-7841

Executive Director
U.S. Government Accountability Office
441 G Street NW
Washington, DC 20548
(202) 997-5524

State Representative to the National Intergovernmental Audit Forum

Local Representative to National Intergovernmental Audit Forum
Director, Division of Local Government Audit
Comptroller of The Treasury
State of Tennessee
(615) 401-7841

SEIAF Charter


April 26, 2006

(Revised April 2007; Revised May 2007; Jan. 2008)


Section 1: Classes of Membership

a. Full Member – Members shall be government audit executives, in Federal, State or Local government, appointed or elected, having as their primary function the oversight of audit activities for the government entity. Full Members shall have a commitment to attend regular forum meetings.

b. Associate Member – Associate Memberships are available for representatives of State and Local government departments, agencies, authorities and other special purpose government audit groups, CPA Society representatives, the partner or individual practitioner in any firm or branch of firm of public accountants having an interest in governmental auditing, individuals who teach or have taught business or public administration courses at a fully accredited college or university having an interest in governmental auditing, and former members of the Intergovernmental Audit Forum. Associate Members are nonvoting on matters requiring a vote of the forum membership and are not eligible to serve as a forum officer. Associate Members shall have a commitment to attend regular forum meetings.

Alternates – Full members may designate alternates to represent them when they are unable to attend a meeting; however, each full member is limited to a single vote. Alternates of Members are eligible for membership on the Executive Committee.

Honorary Members

Honorary Members are to be recommended at the discretion of the Executive Committee and majority vote of the forum membership. Honorary Members are those individuals recognized for distinguished service to the Forum over a sustained period of time. Honorary Members are nonvoting on forum matters and are not eligible to serve as a forum officer. The Executive Committee may grant recognition and other benefits, as they deem appropriate to Honorary Members.

Section 2: Admission to Forum Membership

Audit Executives interested in Forum membership may submit an application to the executive director or chair of the Forum. The Executive Committee will review applications for membership. If membership requirements are satisfied, the Executive Committee will refer the application to the forum membership for vote. A full membership or associate membership shall be awarded by majority vote of the membership at the next regular scheduled forum meeting, pursuant to a recommendation by the Executive Committee. The executive director shall maintain an updated roster of members and their alternates, associate members, and honorary members.


All full members or their designated alternates shall have the right to vote on forum matters. Votes may be exercised in person at duly called meetings, or may be exercised by a written proxy provided to a member attending such meetings. In cases where the executive committee deems an extraordinary meeting to be impractical, a mail ballot may determine the matter needing attention. One-half of the full members of the forum shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of official business. Matters voted on by full members or their designated alternates shall be approved by a majority of those voting; except that in each instance when all federal government Members or all state government Members or all local government Members voting, vote against any matter, that matter shall not be approved. For purposes of amending this charter, a majority vote of all full members is required. In all cases, before a vote is taken, all full members, or their respective alternates, and associates, may participate in the discussion of the matter at hand.